HCCI has produced nearly 3000 units of affordable housing for the Harlem community and provides housing counseling. Scroll down for more information on rentals, purchases, counseling and links.
Click here to register for housing opportunities and information.
HCCI has rentals available on an ongoing basis. Our affordable rentals are filled and priced in accordance with family size and income. Qualified applicants are pulled from our waiting list.
To be placed on the waiting list and to receive housing information, please click here.
Marcus Garvey Park Homes
Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. is currently accepting pre-applications for Marcus Garvey Park Homes, brownstones being developed in Harlem’s historic Marcus Garvey Park district to sell as part of the Neighborhood Homes Program (NHP). NHP is implemented through local Community Development Corporations, for households with incomes at or below 160% AMI.
Please click here to register to receive an application.
Click here to calculate your household's AMI classification. And take our home ownership training program to prepare for this opportunity!
HCCI provides counseling services to those seeking rental housing, to help residents become homeowners and to maintain the property they have purchased. We also assist with emergency housing needs for individuals and entire buildings.
For rental and emergency needs contact Paula Wilson at pwilson@hcci.org.
For homeownership assistance contact Rev. Charles Butler at cbutler@hcci.org.
Click here to register for home buyer counseling.
Here are some additional sources for housing opportunities:
NYC Homeownership Opportunities